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View FatawaAuthor "Abu Khuzaymah"
Mahram status for non-muslim relatives
OpenAbu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 6 years ago • 
666 views0 answers0 votes
Vomit of an infant girl
OpenAbu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 5 years ago • 
645 views0 answers0 votes
Democracy and voting
OpenAbu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 5 years ago • 
564 views0 answers0 votes
Family-ties established through breastfeeding
OpenAbu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 6 years ago • 
483 views0 answers0 votes
Stuffed animal toys for kids
ResolvedZahed FettahZahed Fettah answered 6 years ago • 
865 views1 answers0 votes
Taking off the Hijab in front off the non-muslim father-in-law
ResolvedZahed FettahZahed Fettah answered 6 years ago • 
1313 views1 answers0 votes
Establishing suckling ties while eating solid food.
ResolvedZahed FettahZahed Fettah answered 6 years ago • 
831 views1 answers0 votes

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