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Vomit of an infant girl

View FatawaCategory: TaharaVomit of an infant girl
Abu KhuzaymahAbu Khuzaymah asked 5 years ago
Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

If I understand correctly the vomit and urine of a baby boy is overlooked if it still only consumes milk.  However, when he starts eating solid food it should be washed away.

The urine of a baby girl is not excused and must be washed regardless if she consumes solid food or not.

Q1: what about her vomit? Does it take the same ruling as her urine? (i.e., it should be washed whether she eats solid foor or not)

Q2: I know some of the other schools state that the amount of vomit only needs to be removed if the amount is a ‘mouth full’ (of the one vomiting). What do the Hanabilah say regarding the amount? Am I always obliged to wash away the vomit, regardless of the amount, or do the Hanablilah place criteria for the amount? Or does it go back to the ruling ‘everybody considers it for himself’ (as is the case with vomit braking wudu).
Baarakaallahu fiek for the reply!