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Am i overthinking or this a matter of not being pious?

View FatawaCategory: OtherAm i overthinking or this a matter of not being pious?
Avatarkhalidanderson asked 3 years ago
I’m 25 yrs old and i abstain from haram. I like to work out and take care of my body, I have hobbies like photography, etc. but one Islamic teacher basically told me I have to give these up because of ahadith (related to “leaving off doubtful matters”, “piety” etc.) and reasoning, and it’s been a heavy mental toll because I have ADHD and religious guilt of not doing the right thing.

His reasoning is that working out can cause me to get attention from women and for photography pictures is either haram or debated AND I know ISLAM is a religion of ease but these hadiths have made me spiral because no whenever I do these activities I feel bad in my heart and with that logic, It is wrong according to the hadith. I wish I had never over though these things and asked Islamic teachers because now I can’t do anything and I’m hugely depressed and have anxiety.