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Making website for association that mixes between boys and girls

View FatawaCategory: OtherMaking website for association that mixes between boys and girls
Avataranouar8991 asked 1 year ago
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
I am in need of advice. I did something bad to my friend and am trying to make it up to him. He is part of a youth association and he asked me to make a website for that association and i agreed.
The association is run by muslims, but they organize events mixed between boys and girls. I am not 100% certain that mixing between boys and girls is haram, but I heard that it might be. They also do a lot of charity so I am really not sure what the right path is.
I am scared it would cause me to generate haram for each person that joins through the website. Even though i am not participating in it, i am facilitating it.
Would it be haram for me to make a website for that association?
Thank you for reading. May Allah SWT bless you.