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Going to a an oppressive non-muslim land to see family

View FatawaCategory: OtherGoing to a an oppressive non-muslim land to see family
Avatarم asked 3 years ago
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

My husband and I come from France, where Muslims are oppressed. Laws forbid Muslim women to study while wearing a khimar, performing salah at work place is forbidden and Muslims are often insulted and sometimes attacked in streets or shops. Because of the situation in France, we settled in a Muslim country, alhamdulillah, to avoid oppression for us and our child, but our families still live in France.

My family members are non-muslims and my biggest wish is that they become Muslims, so it is important to me to see them as frequently as I can to preach Islam to them.

It is possible for them to visit us in our new country once a year.

In this context, according to the hanbali madhab, would it be permissible for my husband, our child and me to visit our families in France ?

Also my family owns lands in France where we can be safe if we stay in. In these particular conditions, would it be permissible for us to visit my family in France ?

Jazakum Allahu khairan.