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Divorce questions after she denounced islam because husband won’t support

View FatawaCategory: OtherDivorce questions after she denounced islam because husband won’t support
AvatarMujeeb Rehman asked 4 years ago
Salam Alikum WRB,

I’m writing this email to seek guidance from Sharia about a divorce issue.

We have one new Muslim girl here in Canada who got married to a Muslim man. She got pregnant but her husband refused to support her physically and economically and she terminated the pregnancy.

Due to this and other reasons, she denounced her Islam and asked for divorce from her husband. Husband did give her divorce in writing but later claimed that he did Rujuh but girl denied it. Please answer the following questions to clarify the situation for everyone.

1.Is it true that her Nikah became invalid the moment she denounced Islam?
2.If she recite Shahada again, does she need to have new Nikah?
3.If she refuse to have new Nikah, will she be considered divorced?
4.She has counted her Iddah from the date of her abortion, will that counting be valid for new marriage?
5.if her Nikah became invalid (because of her denouncing of Islam) does she still need divorce from her Husband ?