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Broke Fast during Ramadan due to travel

View FatawaCategory: SawmBroke Fast during Ramadan due to travel
AvatarYazeed Al Yazeed asked 5 years ago
Al Salamu Alaykum

I traveled to another country for 8 days during Ramadan and Eid. I stayed in one city for the whole of my trip. I shortened all my prayers and combined some of prayers throughout the whole trip and I broke my fast 4 days out of Ramadan.

I have read that the period one is considered a traveler is only 4 days but allegedly some scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah and Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen have not specified a period.

Are my prayers valid and can I simply make up the fasts or do I need to do something else, like pay a kaffarah to make up the missed fasts ?