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Wiping over shoes

View FatawaCategory: TaharaWiping over shoes
AvatarMuhammad Nurhalim asked 6 years ago
Assalamu alaikum. Is the permissibility of wiping over socks during wudhu limited to that or it includes shoes as well?
Zahed FettahZahed Fettah
Staff replied 6 years ago

Wa’alaikumussalam. If the conditions mentioned are fulfilled, such as covering the whole foot including the ankles, then wiping over them is also permissible.

1 Answers
AdminAdmin Staff answered 5 years ago
This Question has now been answered – moving question to Answered Filter.
Answer by Sh. Zahed Fettah:
“Wa’alaikumussalam. If the conditions mentioned are fulfilled, such as covering the whole foot including the ankles, then wiping over them is also permissible.”